You can have as many questions as you want in your presentation! Run your quiz: Once your class is joined through the ClassCode, click the question button on your slide to begin receiving instant responses from your students. At any point, you can click back into the button to review your students’ responses or to restart the question! Hint: You can also view responses for each question in the PowerPoint edit mode! SummaryĬreate interactive quiz in PowerPoint: Design your PowerPoint presentation like you always do, then, with one click, add a question button to your slide to make it interactive! Customize the Play Options so that each question works best for you. The green signifies that there are responses saved inside. The submission is still open, and you can see the button has transformed from its standard blue color to a yellow color to show you the live response status.Īs soon as the question submissions are closed, the button will turn to a green color. On your slideshow, you can minimize the question dialog to view the questions slide further. The question slide will be displayed for the “student.” Once the question button is clicked, the 4 options will be shown and you can test out the submission.
Join using the Class Code on the top right corner. If you want to do a simulation yourself, simply go to slideshow mode and use your own mobile device. When I go to the slideshow, I can first explain the question to my class, then click the button to start collecting responses from my students. Yay! This is how easy it is to create interactive quiz in PowerPoint. This way, a check mark will appear over it on screen after the submissions are closed. In addition, I will select the correct answer (D). I won’t have to change the number of choices in the Property Panel, but I do want to check Allow selecting multiple choices. In my example, I have 4 options for students to choose from, and I have one correct answer (you are right, hummingbirds are not mammals)!